Did you know...
Your $105 yearly HOA fee doesn't go to your Calgary Evergreen Community Association (CECA)...
Not everyone pays the annual HOA fee. This was set up by the initial developer Genstar and applied only to the first 3025 homes built in Evergreen and some of Evergreen Estates. The rest of Evergreen was built by El-Condor.
The annual $105 fee goes to the Evergreen Residents Association (www.evergreenresidents.ca) which maintains seventeen green spaces in Evergreen. The ERA was established by the community developer - 'Genstar' to maintain certain entrance features & certain green spaces which are not owned by The City of Calgary. Also, CECA is different from SECA - the Shawnee-Evergreen (Estates) Community Association (www.shawnee-evergreen.ca).
Why is this important?
There is a lot of confusion about the $105. Residents are often are left wondering 'where do my fees go?' or 'why doesn't Evergreen have a Community Centre?'
Calgary Evergreen Community Association (CECA) is a volunteer not-for-profit organization formed by the residents of Evergreen - and they are working hard to improve the community, and they work closely with the City of Calgary on Civic matters.
We need your help...
Your Calgary Evergreen Community Association needs your support & your membership!
Your $20 annual membership helps us make a better Evergreen Community by supporting activities & initiatives for the residents. Your $20 annual membership has benefits too! We are also run by a hard working team of volunteers - so there are many opportunities to support CECA through volunteering as well!
Not everyone pays the annual HOA fee. This was set up by the initial developer Genstar and applied only to the first 3025 homes built in Evergreen and some of Evergreen Estates. The rest of Evergreen was built by El-Condor.
The annual $105 fee goes to the Evergreen Residents Association (www.evergreenresidents.ca) which maintains seventeen green spaces in Evergreen. The ERA was established by the community developer - 'Genstar' to maintain certain entrance features & certain green spaces which are not owned by The City of Calgary. Also, CECA is different from SECA - the Shawnee-Evergreen (Estates) Community Association (www.shawnee-evergreen.ca).
Why is this important?
There is a lot of confusion about the $105. Residents are often are left wondering 'where do my fees go?' or 'why doesn't Evergreen have a Community Centre?'
Calgary Evergreen Community Association (CECA) is a volunteer not-for-profit organization formed by the residents of Evergreen - and they are working hard to improve the community, and they work closely with the City of Calgary on Civic matters.
We need your help...
Your Calgary Evergreen Community Association needs your support & your membership!
Your $20 annual membership helps us make a better Evergreen Community by supporting activities & initiatives for the residents. Your $20 annual membership has benefits too! We are also run by a hard working team of volunteers - so there are many opportunities to support CECA through volunteering as well!
HOA, City, and Owner responsibilities defined.
From the ERA website. www.evergreenresidents.ca